
A piece of me from Ecuador


Artist: Madhu Kumar
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 18″x24″, (print, edition of 15)

View the transcribed story below.

“No matter how many times you fall down. Don’t ever give up, climb up again”.

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15 in stock

Transcribed story

"A piece of me from Ecuador”
from Ecuador

I'm from Ecuador, my parents brought me to Canada in 1976 and went to school to start learning English. Ever since I learned English, I have been translating and doing everything else for them because they don't speak English. Now I'm the caregiver for my mom. It's very overwhelming. I have been doing it since I was 10 years old. I'm grateful for my parents and Canada for everything. I'm a parent of 4 beautiful children and 5 grandkids.

As an immigrant, it has it's good and bad, my parents emigrated since 1973 they worked very hard to provide for us that's why they didn't learn English. Constantly we were bullied, grateful for my parents bringing us to Canada a new adventure learning experience. We did learn a lot through living and emigrating to Canada. It wasn't easy. This is my home now. I wouldn't change it. I'm grateful to Canada for opening arms to my family. I advocate a lot for other immigrants in my community. There are lots of challenges with language barriers. I wish I had the support back then.


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