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Our blog features information and tips on health & wellness, art & lifestyle, gardening, food & cuisine and DIY.

Cheryl Bailey Art Show

Cheryl Bailey Art Show

Come Butterfly! It’s Late An exhibition by Cheryl Bailey We invite you to join us for this artist reception. Saturday September 21st, 2024 Artist Talk: 3pm Reception: 2 – 4pm Reserve Your Spot About...

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Rain Garden – Stage 2

Rain Garden – Stage 2

Rooftop Gardens utilize rooftop space for growing plants. There are several possible advantages. The gardens can be beneficial to the environment, as well as the rooftop and building themselves.

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Green Roof – Stage 1

Green Roof – Stage 1

The green roof captures rain events, and manages water through several processes. Plants capture and store water for use in dry periods. Plants capture and store water for use in dry periods.

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PRESS releases

The Creemore Echo, “AI tools democratize the ability to create: McDonald”. Sept. 29, 2023  Read Article >

Eventbrite, “stitching in your shape: Opening Reception and Exhibition”. Dec. 7, 2022  Read Article >

Beach Metro Community News, “Shahrzad Amin’s exhibit at Riverdale Hub celebrates Iranian culture.” Dec. 7, 2022 
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The Toronto Observer, “Artists and creators come together at annual Riverdale Hub Holiday Market.” Nov. 22, 2022
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