Rooftop Garden – Stage 1
Rooftop Garden - Stage 1

May 5, 2022

The rooftop garden captures rain events, and manages water through several processes. Plants capture and store water for use in dry periods. Water is stored in the growing medium, and wicking action alone releases rain into the air after a rain event. During the growing season, evapo-transpiration by plants releases stored rain into the air.

A mix of native and non-native species were planted that have a variety of adaptations. The high diversity of plants forms a community that is adaptable to a variety of weather patterns from moist spring weather to long summer droughts.

green roof, rainwater, water management

The following plants have been planted on our roof:

    • Allium cernuum
    • Nodding Wild Onion
    • Allium flavum
      Yellow Chives
    • Allium schoenaprasum
      Wild Chives
    • Liatris cylindracea
      Dwarf Blazing-star
    • Penstemon hirsutus
      Hairy Beardtongue
    • Phlox subulata
      Moss Phlox
    • Schizachyrium scoparium
      Little Bluestem
    • Sedum album
      White Stonecrop
    • Sedum reflexum
      Blue Spruce Stonecrop
    • Sedum spurium
      Red Stonecrop
    • Sedum kamtchaticum
      Russian Stonecrop
    • Sedum sexangulare
      Six-angled Stonecrop
    • Sedum pulchellum
      Annual Stonecrop
    • Sedum ternatum
      Appalachian Stonecrop
    • Tradescantia ohioensis
    • Ohio Spiderwort

    Once the green roof is fully saturated, excess water is directed by the roof drain to the rain garden below for the next chain of water management.

    Apart from alternate water options, our green roof provides a multitude of benefits for the building as well as the city including increased air quality, greater biodiversity and energy conservation. For more information on our green roof visit https://www.restorationgardens.ca/

    Riverdale Hub Gallery

    The Riverdale Hub houses numerous gallery spaces, located on the first, second, and third floors of the community center building. The Riverdale Hub Gallery is dedicated to employing the transformative power of art to engage Toronto’s east-end community, connect with other communities across the city, and provide a platform for local, national, and global conversations.

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